Photo by Rob Latour/REX/Shutterstock (9446184gy) Wes Studi 90th Annual Academy Awards, Show, Los Angeles, USA – 04 Mar 2018

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We are proud to share with you that one of the most distinguished American Indian Actors, Wes Studi, was a special guest at the Oscars and presented a Military Movie Tribute during the 90th Academy Awards Sunday night.

Studi, who became the first Native American presenter at The Oscars, served as a soldier in the Vietnam War. Once introduced, Studi took the Oscar stage and stated, “At age 17, I enlisted in the National Guard. A few years later, I volunteered to go to Vietnam. Now, I’m proud to have served there for 12 months with Alpha Company of the 39th Infantry. Anyone Else? As a veteran, I am always appreciative when filmmakers bring to the screen stories of those who have served. Over 90 years of the Academy Awards, a number of movies with military themes have been honored at the Oscars. Let’s take a moment to pay tribute to these powerful films that shine a great spotlight on those who have fought for freedom around the world.”

Wes Studi at the 90th Academy Awards

Studi then closed his presentation by speaking in his Native Cherokee language. According to a Tweet from the Cherokee Nation, Wes Studi’s closing remark was: “Hello. Appreciation to all veterans & Cherokees who’ve served. Thank you!”

The montage of military themed movies featured clips from; “A Few Good Men,” “Full Metal Jacket,” “Zero Dark Thirty,” “American Sniper,” “Dunkirk,” “Saving Private Ryan,” “From Here to Eternity,” “The Deer Hunter” and “Patton.”

The tribute ended with these words on the screen:



Wes Studi and Samuel L. Jackson

Wes Studi has appeared in numerous movies and roles including most recently playing Chief Yellowhawk in “Hostiles” (2017). His starring credits also include; the Oscar-winning films “Avatar” (2009), “The Last of the Mohicans” (1992) and “Dances with Wolves” (1990). Additionally, he appeared in the Oscar-nominated films “The New World” (2005) and “Geronimo: An American Legend” (1993). Other films he’s appeared in are Heat, Mystery Men, A Million Ways to Die in the West, and the television series Penny Dreadful.

Wes Studi was a presenter at the Inaugural Native American Music Awards in 1998 and was the host of the 12th Annual Native American Music Awards where he also performed.

Watch Wes Studi’s Oscar appearance on the homepage of our website at :

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