University of Montana: Native Americans and the Media

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Anyone interested in the relationship betweent American Indians and the media should attend. Read on.

The University of Montana will host the second annual Diversity Dinner at 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, in the University Center South Ballroom.

LISTEN, a campus group devoted to raising awareness of Native American issues through cross-cultural dialogue and support, is organizing the dinner, which is free and open to the public. The President’s Diversity Advisory Council and the UC Multicultural Alliance also are sponsors.

Angelica Lawson, assistant professor of Native American studies, will facilitate discussion at the dinner, which will focus on issues relating to racism and sexism in the media. Lawson will share her expertise on the relationship between Native Americans and the media.

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For more information, call Meryl Barlow, LISTEN president, at 951-966-5971 or

Faculty wishing to offer students course credit for attending the dinner should call Danielle Wozniak, assistant professor of social work and LISTEN’s faculty adviser, at 406-243-5746 or

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