Oklahoma City — During August 3-4, 2018, the Tribal Education Departments National Assembly (TEDNA) will host its 2nd Regional Conference for the 2018 year. The previous conference, hosted in New Buffalo, MI, focused on Sovereignty and Data.
Whereas, the August 3-4 Regional Conference, will be focusing on Tribal Consultation and Resource Sharing. The conference will be held at the Santa Ana Star Casino and Hotel located in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM.
Keynote Speakers include: Oklahoma Executive Director of American Indian Education, Julian Guerrero, Attorney Melody Mccoy, and Dr. David Beaulieu.
Links to their bios are the following:
Julian Guerrero: Julian Guerrero Bio
Melody Mccoy: https://www.narf.org/profiles/melody-mccoy/
David Beaulieu: https://education.asu.edu/david-beaulieu
TEDNA is very excited to delve deeper into Tribal Consultation, along with notable keynote speakers, we will also have a panel of Education Directors who include Isaac Salcido (Gila River Indian Community), Stanley Holder (Pueblo of Acoma), and Greg Anderson (Muscogee Creek Nation). The panel will focus on questions from the audience and discussing how the panel members feel Tribal Consultation is going in their respective states (Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma).
During the afternoon of August 3rd and the morning of August 4th, TEDNA will be partnering with NIEA to focus on accepting (soliciting) testimonies (testimony) from parents, tribal leaders, (tribal education staff members) school officials, teachers, counselor and Indian educators regarding (the process of implementation of) tribal Consultation (in their jurisdictions). A court reporter will record testimonials for TEDNA and NIEA to produce a document on how the ESSA Tribal Consultation is being conducted. A final report will be published after testimony hearings have been conducted this fall.
If you would like to be a workshop presenter, please email TEDNA’s Resource Coordinator, Sydney Wahkinney, at sydney.wahkiney@tedna.org.
If you have any questions regarding the information provided, or questions about the TEDNA Regional Conference, please contact TEDNA’s Administrative Assistant, Chloe Roughface, at chloe.roughface@tedna.org.
To register for the conference, click here.
About Tribal Education Department’s National Assembly
TEDNA strives to provide ongoing resources for professional development to provide technical assistance to TEDS by assembling and representing collective indigenous sovereign nations’ departments of education; respect and honor each nation’s distinct spiritual, cultural, linguistic, and economic identities; cultivate effective relationships with other governmental and educational agencies, organizations, and entities.