Three Affiliated Tribes: Campaign rally and feed to elect Whitney Bell for chairman

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Whitney Bell, chairman candidate for Three Affiliated Tribes

If you are at the Little Shell Powwow in New Town, N.D. this weekend, the Committee to Elect Whitney Bell is hosting a campaign rally and feed on Sunday, Aug. 15 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. You are invited to come share a home cooked meal with Whitney at Shelter #1 at the Four Bears Park out by Little Shell Powwow campgrounds. Come and listen to Whitney’s speech about why is running for chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes. Whitney is smart, honest, educated and the father of five beautiful children and the husband of Tarina. He is currently the senior accountant for the Three Affiliated Tribes. He has outstanding business skills, including cash flows analysis management, financial planning, budget administration and government accounting. He has also served the tribe as the chief financial officer. Whitney has a plan on how he will lead and serve the people of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation. Come here Whitney speak on Sunday. Bring a chair if you can and sit down, listen to Whitney while you enjoy a hamburger and an ice cold coke.

If you would like to reach Whitney, he’s available at

Here’s some of Whitney’s background on work with he’s done with the Three Affiliated Tribes:

TAT TRIBAL HEADQUARTERS – New Town, ND Senior Accountant, July 2009 – Present Chief Financial Officer, June 2007 – July 2009

TAT GAMING COMMISSION – New Town, ND Gaming Commissioner, March 2000 – June 2007 Chairman of Commission, July 2005 – December 2006


Support our incoming Report For America members!

TAT TRIBAL HEADQUARTERS – New Town, ND Administrative Assistant, 1995-1997

If you would like to help or volunteer call Jodi Rave at 406-396-8537. Jodi Rave

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