Tim Giago
Native Sun News Today
We just watched the three-ring circus euphemistically known as the coronation of Brett Kavanaugh to be a justice on the U. S. Supreme Court.
At least it was supposed to be a coronation until one brave woman stepped forward and recounted the time the Supreme-to-be sexually (or tried to) assaulted her when they were in high school. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford knew she was going to be lambasted by the right when she stepped forward, but she could not visualize a Supreme Court Judge making laws when that judge had so many personal and political flaws.
The goat of the entire circus was Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. His total disregard for the victim in support of the accused was beyond the pale. He effectively turned a civilized hearing into a political mud fight. Since the death of his friend and confidante, Sen. John McCain, Graham seems to have become unhinged. Perhaps he needed the guiding hand of McCain to keep him under control.
And then the rumors around Washington appear to indicate the Graham is striking to become the next Attorney General when Jeff Sessions is fired after the mid-term elections. We supposed that is why his nose is far up the posterior of Donald Trump.
Senator Jeff Flake was cornered in an elevator on his way to the hearings by two angry women that had been assaulted. He got a butt chewing like nothing he had ever experienced in his life. It worked. When he got to the floor he had decided that it was best to have the FBI continue to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh and he held this position until it was so ruled.
We don’t know what the FBI will find because even in receiving permission to investigate further, there were certain restrictions placed upon them by the Republican majority and the Trump. They thought that even though an investigation was now allowed that they would do what they could to put the handcuffs on the FBI.
And so we will have to wait through this week to get the results of the investigation and then determine at its conclusion whether it was a fair investigation or not.
Trump badly wanted Kavanaugh to be seated on the Supreme Court because Kavanaugh had indicated that he did not believe a sitting president could be indicted. He was also in favor of killing Roe v. Wade, and banning abortion in America.
The clock is ticking on this Trump Administration and it is one fraught with danger. There has been no major effort made to stop any Russian interference in the mid-term elections and the Stormy Daniels accusations and trial are still hanging over the head of Trump. Let’s hope for the best.
(The Native Sun News Editorial Board can be contacted at editor@nativesunnews.today.)