Rep. Lisa DeVille
Unknown Publication
graphics/ Castle Fox
Last week, North Dakota Legislative Assembly convened in a Special Session to address the appropriation of funding on various projects. I introduced and proposed an amendment to HB 1544, the Workforce Grant appropriation bill to include all North Dakota tribal colleges to receive funding through the Joint Appropriations committee.
HB 1544, Statement of Purpose of Amendment, “This amendment increases the $500,000 general fund appropriation for workforce development grants to tribally controlled community colleges to $2.5 million and requires the Department of Commerce to provide $500,000 to each tribally controlled community college in the state rather than providing $500,000 only to a tribally controlled community college in the Turtle Mountain area.” A copy of the ND Tribal College System CTE proposal was given to this joint committee. Only one of the state’s five tribally controlled colleges currently benefit from the Workforce Grant.
There was much discussion on how this bill would benefit all of our tribal colleges, unfortunately, it did fail. It is my understanding that the purpose of this special legislative session was to focus on funding passed from previous existing bills from the regular session, not to add additional funding for projects that have been overlooked. The Joint Committee did promise to reconsider funding all tribal colleges in the next session in 2025.
Thank you to Dr. Twyla Baker president of NHSC for submitting written comment, Dr. Brown president or Turtle Mountain College for being present and giving support, Rep. Jayme Davis, Sen. Mathern who helped me introduce and support this amendment, and to the House representatives and senators who voted for my amendment to HB 1544.
Here are the other bills that went through at the 2023 Special Legislative Session:
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4021, a concurrent resolution affirming support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel was passed in the House 86 yes and 6 no. On Sept. 23, SCR 4021 was passed in the Joint Committee meeting. On Sept. 24, it was passed in the Senate. I voted no. We should be calling for peace and not choosing sides.
Senate Bill 2396 relating to a special penalty for death or injury through distribution of illegal drugs; to provide a penalty; and to provide an effective date was voted on in the House and passed. This is an important bill for me because our communities face so many deaths from illegal drugs and someone needs to be held accountable. On Sept. 24, Policy Joint Committees voted a do pass. On Sept. 24 the Senate voted 47 yes and 0 no.
HB 1546, relating to the clean sustainable energy authority’s fertilizer development incentive program; to provide for retroactive application; and to provide an effective date was voted on and passed 60 yes and 30 no. Although North Dakota is the number one producer of many crops, I voted no because of potential environmental impacts that fertilizer has on the water, land, and food. In the regular session it was decided that our water will be transported to eastern North Dakota. In my research, the Red River in eastern North Dakota is contaminated from agricultural runoff (contamination), yet I was told that is not the reason why our water is being transported. On Sept. 25, the HB 1546 passed with 40 yes and 7 no votes.
I want to reaffirm my commitment to advocating for essential legislative issues that directly impact the lives of North Dakota’s Native American people. With a shared vision of progress and commitment I will continue to work diligently to address pressing concerns and improve the overall well-being of all our Tribal Nations.
For more information, contact Rep. Lisa Finley-DeVille, District House Representative for District 4A. She can be reached at 701-421-8020 or