Healing Journey

New Road Map Guides Brain Health in Native Communities

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More than 200 community members and public health professionals from American Indian and Alaska Native communities contributed to a new resource designed to improve brain health, address dementia and support caregivers, according to a press release by the International Association for Indigenous Aging.

The Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map for American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples was developed by the Alzheimer’s Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with contributions from the International Association for Indigenous Aging, or IA². The organization incorporated culturally meaningful stories and knowledge, hosting listening sessions to gather input. One example of this storytelling is The River, a video adaptation of a story by Dr. Anton Truer, narrated by IA² co-founder Dave Baldridge.

“Addressing the unique health challenges in American Indian and Alaska Native communities requires teamwork and culturally respectful approaches that honor tribal sovereignty and Indigenous knowledge,” IA² President Bill Benson said in the release.

Natives on the Road Map’s Development Team

Native American members of the Executive Steering Committee, Advisory Group, and IA² staff who contributed to the Road Map include:

  • Breana Dorame (Gabrielino-Tongva), Tribal Public Health and Aging Senior Associate.
  • Twila Martin Kekahbah, MEd (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa), Independent Contractor.
  • Dr. J. Neil Henderson (Oklahoma Choctaw), Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota Medical School.
  • Carla Eben (Pyramid Lake Paiute), Senior Services Director, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.
  • Chandra Wilson, MSW (Modoc/Klamath/Yahooskin), Project Director, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board.
  • Jordan P. Lewis, PhD (Aleut and Sugpiaq, Native Village of Naknek), Director of Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Billie Tohee, MLS, LL.M (Otoe-Missouria), Executive Director, National Indian Council on Aging.
  • Dave Baldridge (Cherokee), IA² Co-founder and nationally recognized advocate for Indigenous elders.
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About IA²

The International Association for Indigenous Aging is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the well-being of Indigenous elders. IA² operates the American Indian and Alaska Native Resource Center for Brain Health and the federally funded Native American Elder Justice Initiative National Resource Center.

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