Brianna Bragg, left, and Shilo George explore themes such as Indigequeer identity, Two-Spiritness, disability, boundaries, survivance. Photo illustration by Jarrette Werk and Shilo George
Dear BF (Buffalo’s Fire) Reader:
Elrae Potts has organized a Halloween bash for the kiddos at the Missoula Indian Center. So, bring the little ones over to the MIC for some fun today, Oct. 31. It will give you a chance to see our new location. By the way, I’m thankful to be on the MIC board and join the rest of the board in welcoming two new members who were recently elected. Laura John and Wilena Old Person now bring total representation on the board up to nine members. — Jodi Rave
Meanwhile, here is the The Missoula Indian Center Halloween Flyer.