Independent news from the Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance

Making Fire

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warns that today's youth mental health crisis is the "defining public health issue of our time." He's right. More than 40% of teens report ongoing feelings of sadness and hopelessness. (Canva Art)

By:  Randi Rourke Barreiro About a month ago, a client of Sky Woman Media pointed at me during a meeting and said, “I like the way she thinks.”  I overheard someone gush to a client that experiencing her presentation was life-changing. These words are seared into my memory because I’m learning that staying focused on […]
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Jodi Rave Spotted Bear

Jodi Rave Spotted Bear is the founder and director of the Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance, a 501-C-3 nonprofit organization with offices in Bismarck, N.D. and the Fort Berthold Reservation. Jodi spent 15 years reporting for the mainstream press. She's been awarded prestigious Nieman and John S. Knight journalism fellowships at Harvard and Stanford, respectively. She also an MIT Knight Science Journalism Project fellow. Her writing is featured in "The Authentic Voice: The Best Reporting on Race and Ethnicity," published by Columbia University Press. Jodi currently serves as a Society of Professional Journalists at-large board member, an SPJ Foundation board member, and she chairs the SPJ Freedom of Information Committee. Jodi has won top journalism awards from mainstream and Native press organizations. She earned her journalism degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder.