Aug 31/12
Waterloo – Students in Wilfrid Laurier University’s Master of Social Work: Aboriginal Field of Study program are about to embark on a five-day land-based culture camp, where they will learn experientially about traditional Aboriginal worldviews. The camp, taking place from Sept. 9-14, provides a foundation for the teachings and worldviews that will occur in the classroom over the following months of the program.
LaurierÂ’s culture camp is a full-credit course that has been offered since 2006. Students are exposed to Aboriginal values, philosophy, teachings, ceremonies, songs and dances from elders and Laurier professors. Some of the weekÂ’s many activities include building a sweat lodge, learning about traditional medicines, completing an overnight fast on the land and building a hand drum, which students will use during their education and in their wholistic healing practice as social more