ICC Indian Enterprises: Feb. 27-29 class to discuss issues on federal Indian lands

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Class Location: Marina International Hotel and Bungalows 4200 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, California 800 529 2525

New Issues on Federal Indian Lands $550.00 (Individuals in the top 20 and one person from each office in the top 15 will receive free enrollment) Individual in the ICC 100 will receive this class for $275 if payment is received by ICC by February 1, 2012 Feb. 27 at 8:30 a.m. to Feb. 29, 2012, ending at noon

National Indian Realty Awards will be presented Monday morning to the top 20 individuals and the top 15 Offices. Medal Presentations will also be made to the ICC 100, individuals from 21st in the nation to 100th in the nation.

I. Termination is Back a. Improvements on property no longer considered Trust Property by Regulation i. Result may allow states to tax improvements (homes etc.) on trust property. b. Exchange Assignments – Taking of the Rights by Federal Government i. In the 1930’s up to the 1960’s people conveyed their undivided interest to the tribe and received an exchange assignment. This type of an assignment was greater than a regular assignment. You had the right to the lease income. BIA has now taken away the right to income. No Due Process. No Just Compensation. II. Rights of Way – The 2 page form. The need for additional language to protect and maximize income. People are still signing off on Forms designed in 1948. Individuals should not sign this form without makings some modifications to it. III. Oenga v US Court of Claims a. Breach of Trust Lawsuit IV. Fort Berthold Class Action Case V. Jicarilla v. U.S. VI. Impact of HR 205 and HR 2362 on leasing on the reservation. VII. The Need for Landowners to protect their interest and maximize income on Realty contracts.

Crisis Management February 29 (1:00) – March 2 (2:00) $550.00

Award winners and people in the ICC 100 will receive this class at half price, only if payment is received by ICC by February 1, 2012.

We are faced with crisis on a regular basis in the realty field and other fields of work. We must avoid spending all of our time putting out fires. We can identify key issues and have a plan in place so that we are prepared and can take care of the problem before it turns into an emergency.

This class is not just geared for realty people. As with most of our classes we will have case studies and discuss what action was taken or not taken, what mistakes have been made and what action should have been taken.

Put in place a plan or become an ICC Case Study!

I. Identify Issues and Prevent Crisis a. Be Proactive b. Identify Key Issues of the Office before they are out of control c. Case Studies II. Maintain the Crisis a. Take Immediate Action b. Case Studies III. Resolve the Crisis a. Make sure there are no Repeats IV. Prepare a Crisis Management Plan a. The Crisis Management Team

************************************************************************************** The top 15 offices will receive a National Indian Realty Award. Rank / Organization 1. Uintah & Ouray Agency 2. Yakama Nation 3. Great Lakes Agency 4. Hopi Tribe 5. Alaska Regional Office 6. Muckleshoot Tribe 7. Midwest Region 8. Oneida Nation 9. Great Plains Regional Office 10. Minnesota Agency 11. Bristol Bay Native Association 12. Colville Agency 13. Southwest Regional Office 14. Rocky Mountain Regional Office 15. Western Regional Office

The top 20 individuals will receive National Indian Realty Awards. Numbers 21 – 100 will receive medallions.

Rank / Student Organization 1. David Murray, ILP Uintah & Ouray Agency 2. Darnell Day, ILP OST – Concho Agency 3. Vonny Shortbull, ILP Rosebud Sioux Tribe 4. Kim Yearyean, ILP Native Land Consulting 5. Cheryl Ethelbah, ILP White Mountain Apache Tribe 6. Annabell Kingbird, ILP Minnesota Agency 7. Marion Duffy, ILP Great Lakes Agency 8. Annette Ahill, ILP Papago Agency 9. Chester Earl, ILP Salish Land Associates 10. Ann Alexander, ILP Shawnee Field Office 11. Amy Boucher, ILP Muckleshoot Tribe 11. Robert Charley, ILP Hopi Tribe 11. Clara Lovato, ILP Southern Pueblos Agency 14. Norma Corwin, ILP Muckleshoot Tribe 15. Pam Vande Venter, ILP Great Lakes Agency 16. Dale Denney, ILP Makah Tribe 17. Rozelda Namingha, ILP Hopi Tribe 18. Roxane Poupart, ILP Western Regional Office 19. Donna Lynk, ILP Bad River Band 20. LaVerne Parker, ILP Winnebago Agency

ICC Indian Enterprises PO Box 217 Berlin, New Hampshire 03570 310 849 2197 Fax 310 765-4992 www.ICCIndianEnterprises.com indianre@ix.netcom.com

Below are the people in the ICC 100. They will each receive a medallion at the awards session.

Rank / Student Organization 21. Johnna Blackhair, ILP Southwest Regional Office 22. Tom Hoseth, ILP Bristol Bay Native Association 22. Merrilee Red Robe, ILP Northern Cheyenne Tribe 24. Michelle Dufek, ILA 2 Great Lakes Agency 25. Gail Primeaux, ILP Miami Agency 26. Florence Halfred, ILP Cheyenne River Agency 27. Bruce Beyal, ILP Palm Springs Agency 28. Eileen Grant-Moreau, ILP Tanana Chiefs Conference 29. Lenore Bigboy, ILP Great Lakes Agnecy 30. Mel Lawrence, ILP Alaska Regional Office 31. Paula Black, ILP Uintah & Ouray Agency 32. Kevin Bearquiver, ILP Central Office 32. Dena Mortenson, ILA 2 Great Lakes Agency 32. Sandy Dietz, ILA 2 Great Lakes Agency 35. Holly Hunt, ILP Midwest Regional Office 36. Elaine Hunt Sanshue, ILP Laguna Agency 36. Arvada Wolfin, ILP Pacific Regional Office 36. Rayola Eder, ILA 2 Central California Agency 39. Alan Cherry, ILA 2 OST – Albuquerque 40. Nellie Cadue, ILP Kickapoo Tribe 41. Peggy Doney, ILA 2 Fort Belknap Tribe 42. Megan Bakken, ILA 2 White Earth Band 43. Joanna Johnson, ILP Pima Agency 43. Nasha Flores, ILP Colville Tribe 45. Denise Begay, ILP Hopi Agency 45. Mary Ann Bearcomesout, ILA 2 Northern Cheyenne Agency 47. Rick Clifford, ILA 2 Great Plains Regional Office 48. Marie Marquez, ILP Muckleshoot Tribe 49. Paul Schlafly, ILA 2 Southern Paiute Agency 50. Diane Baker, ILA 2 Midwest Regional Office 51. Darryl Sanchez, ILP Northern Cheyenne Agency 52. Stephanie Brady, ILP Northern Cheyenne Agency 53. Renee Jones, ILA 2 Midwest Regional Office 53. Carey Griffin, ILA 2 Horton Agency 53. Alan Backford, ILA 2 Bristol Bay Native Association 53. Monica Walker, ILA 2 Alaska 53. Dori Duran, ILP Southwest Regional Office 58. Pamela Martin-Cuch, ILA 2 Uintah & Ouray Agency 59. Sabrina Savo, ILA 2 Bristol Bay Native Association 60. Stephanie Stevens, ILP Colorado River Indian Tribes 61. Lillian Gallego, ILA 2 Western Regional Office 62. Effie Delmar, ILA 2 Eastern Navajo Nation 62. Kimberly Antone, ILA 2 Gila River Indian Community 62. Mike Anspach, ILA 2 Southwest Regional Office 62. Stacy McKay, ILA 2 Yakama Nation 62. Lona Schroeder, ILA 2 Bristol Bay Native Association 67. Bonnie Good Bird, ILA 2 Three Affiliated Tribes 67. Dwayne Haviland, ILA 2 Alaska Regional Office 67. Earl Samuel, ILA 2 Tesuque Pueblo 67. Letitia Black, ILA 1 Wind River Agency 67. Christine Buckminster, ILA 2 Colville Tribe 72. Robert Allan, ILA 2 Navajo Nation 73. Patricia Olby, ILA 2 Minnesota Agency 74. Willis Waggoner, ILA 2 Colville Agency 75. Bill Saffell, ILA 2 Northern California Agency 75. Claudia Salgado, ILA 2 Palm Springs Agency 75. Karen Lucei, ILA 2 Yakama Nation 75. Cheryl Andrew, ILA 1 North Pacific Rim Housing Authority 79. Clay Hamilton, ILA 2 Hopi Tribe 80. Justin Vann, ILA 1 Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office 81 Cathy Eidem, ILA 2 White Earth Band (WELSA) 81. Monica Flores, ILA 2 Winnebago Agency 83. Kim Wall, ILA 2 Universal Field Office 83. Shawn Tahkeal-Manjarrez, ILA 2 Yakama Nation 83. Janice Jones, ILA 2 Pima Agency 83. Minnie Mann, ILA 1 Fort Apache Agency 83. Fred Matsuno, ILA 1 Alaska Regional Office 83. Lisa Warwick, ILA 2 Yakama Nation 83. Mary DePerry, ILA 2 Eastern Regional Office 90. Patricia Hanson, ILA 1 Ho-Chunk Nation 90. Denise Hill, ILA 2 Yakama Nation 90. Darla Yocham, ILA 2 Quapaw Tribe 90. Richard Pease, ILA 1 Three Affiliated Tribes 94. Michael Tabor, ILA 1 Village of Kotzebue 95. Ollie Beyal, ILA 2 Palm Springs Agency 95. Belinda Ray, ILA 2 Palm Springs Agency 95. Christine Herman, ILA 2 Minnesota Agency 98. Ron Kaiser, ILA 2 Wyandotte Tribe 98. Heather Demery, ILA 2 Midwest Regional Office 98. Mark Magee, ILA 1 Blackfeet Tribe 98. Kellie Youngbear Southern Paiute Agency 98. Liz Listo, ILP Papago Agency 98. Liza Rose Yazzie, ILA 2 Southwest Regional Office

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