The HOPE CONFERENCE (Healing for Our People Everywhere) was formed in response to the growing need to confront the difficult issues of child sexual trauma, which has plagued families in Indian Country for too many generations. The organizers and founders of the conference are a consortium of national and community experts, social service professionals, educators, artists, and activists. The 2nd Annual HOPE Conference is scheduled to take place in Missoula, Montana at the University of Montana Campus & The Holiday Inn Downtown on April 13, 14, and 15, 2011; coinciding with the 20th Annual Kyi-Yo Pow Wow on the University of Montana campus. Like last year the purpose of this year’s conference is bring together interested individuals, survivors, social service providers, judicial experts, victim’s advocates, social workers, law enforcement authorities, students, boarding school abuse survivors, and others to dialogue & share ideas addressing the silent issue of CHILD SEXUAL TRAUMA and its effect on Native American people & communities. The 2011 Conference will address this issue by providing attendees with an opportunity to participate in three tracts that will cover the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE of Child Sexual Trauma in Indian Country.
Go the Hope Conference website for more details.