Official candidate list: Fort Berthold primary candidates

This story was filed on

Dear Readers:

I’m posting this alphabetical and “unofficial list” of Candidates filed as of Aug. 10, 2010 for Three Affiliated Tribes 2010 Tribal Election. I wish all the candidates a good campaign. Time is running short with about five weeks leading to the election on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota. The chairman’s position is open for a new leader as well as three districts on the reservation. It’s an interesting time back at Fort Berthold with all the oil activity on the Bakken Formation. The community and entire reservation is changing with the influx of people from all over the country.

Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation

Here is the

Three Affiliated Tribes candidate list

For the record, here’s the unofficial list:


Whitney Bell Roger Bird Bear Elgin Crows Breast Delvin Driver Dennis Fox Mark Fox Tex Hall Marcus Levings Verdell Smith RJ Smith Arne Strahs Ramona Two Shields Charlie Vigan Virgil Wilkinson Roger Whiteall Bernadine Young Bird

FOUR BEARS COMMUNITY Judy Brugh Cami Thorton

TWIN BUTTES COMMUNITY Barry Benson Maynard Demray Gwen Hoestler Amy Mossette

PARSHALL COMMUNITY Clorine Linseth Mervyn Packineau Eloise Babe Wells Myron Tony Foote

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Jodi Rave

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