Department of the Interior to Solicit Nominations for First-Ever Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee


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WASHINGTON — In remarks at the National Congress of American Indians 2022 Executive Council Winter Session today, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced that the Department is requesting nominations for Tribal member representatives for the new Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC).

The STAC, which was announced as part of the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit, will ensure Tribal leaders have direct and consistent contact and communication with the current and future Department officials to facilitate robust discussions on intergovernmental responsibilities, exchange views, share information and provide advice and recommendations regarding Departmental programs and funding that impact Tribal nations.

“Tribes deserve a seat at the decision-making table before policies are made that impact their communities. The creation of this new Advisory Committee is a timely and much-needed development that will ensure Tribal leaders can engage at the highest levels of the Department on the issues that matter most to their people,” said Secretary Haaland. “I encourage Tribal leaders to submit their nominations to ensure we have the best representation possible as we begin this new chapter of Tribal engagement at the Department.”

The STAC will be composed of a Tribal member representative from each of the 12 Bureau of Indian Affairs Regions, and one alternate member. The members will be appointed on a staggered term for up to two years. The Secretary, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, will designate one member of the STAC to serve as chairperson.

Members should be an elected or designated Tribal official who is qualified to represent the views of the Tribes in the respective BIA Region for which they are being nominated. Nominations will be considered for selection in the following priority order: Tribal President/Chairperson/Governor; Tribal Vice-President/Vice-Chairperson/Lt. Governor; Elected or Appointed Tribal Official; and Designated Tribal Official. If there is more than one nomination in the priority list, individuals who had a letter of support from regional or national Tribal organization(s) will be taken into consideration when selecting the primary and alternate delegates.

The Department will only consider completed member and alternate nomination packages. A complete nomination package should include the following information about each nominee:

  • BIA Region the nominee is being considered for.
  • The nominee’s name, title, contact information, geographic location, Tribal affiliation.
  • A resume that describes the nominees’ qualifications and technical experience.
  • A personal statement of the reasons why the nominee wants to serve on STAC, including examples of work, technical and/or professional experience at the local, Tribal or urban community level, and/or regionally, nationally.
  • A statement committing to the time to contribute to the bi-annual STAC meetings.
  • Any additional comments, including culturally relevant skills and personal experience, that could help contribute to the Commission’s deliberations.
  • An official letter from the Tribe.
  • Other letters of recommendation(s), including letters from regional or national Tribal organization(s).
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The names of each nominated STAC member and alternate must be submitted to the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs via e-mail to in an official letter from the Tribe by Monday, May 9, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
