Buffalo’s Fire is committed to accurate and factual news. We will tell our readers when an error has been identified, the magnitude of the error, and the correct information, as quickly as possible.
We distinguish between corrections (for mistakes) and clarifications (for vague or misleading content).
If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, please contact the editorial team. You can:
Email: info@buffalosfire.com
Write to The Editor, P.O. Box 1, Halliday, N.D. 58636
Once verified, we will correct the story on the website as soon as possible. The fact a correction has been made will be noted at the bottom of the corrected story and on this page.
The correction will include the correct information, a reference to the incorrect information, and the time and date of the correction.
5/10/22 (12:30pm CDT) – Boom or Bust: Oil industry hits North Dakota – This story has been updated to note that McKenzie county was the fastest-growing county during the last 10 years, according to the most recent decennial census.