Buffalo’s Fire hiring Documenters Site Manager

This story was filed on from Bismarck, N.D.

Buffalo’s Fire is hiring a Bismarck-based site manager to lead our local chapter of the award-winning Documenters program, which trains and pays people to produce information in the public interest. With local media in crisis in North Dakota and across the country, Documenters is reimagining how we access and share information about our communities.

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We’re looking for an effective team manager with experience in journalism, community organizing, grassroots political campaigning or other fields that involve mobilizing people and information for the public good. Your role will be to cultivate partnerships that build an engaged audience around Documenters work in Bismarck and in tribal communities including reservations throughout North Dakota. Site manager will work closely with program participants to help them learn and become more civically engaged and to take a creative, iterative approach to program design. You will report to Buffalo’s Fire’s Executive Director who will set strategy for the program and work closely with you to execute it. If you have a track record of cultivating deep community relationships and a passion for organizing people to address big problems from the ground up, this role is for you.

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