6 Things Savvy Business Travelers Do

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When you travel more than 200 days a year, you learn a few tricks. Don’t leave home without these.

“Good Morning Mr. Leffler, it’s great seeing you again this week!” This statement would be fine coming from your local barista, but it’s a bit crazy when it comes from the TSA agent screening you at the airport.

When I first started the Yes To brand, this was my life. I traveled 200 plus days a year in the hope of building a global business fast.

The crazy lifestyle taught me a lot. Here are the six tips that kept me sane:

1. Loyalty wins. Upgrades rule. I love all the status perks… but man, getting upgraded is nice. Stay loyal, and airlines and hotels will treat you well.

2. Streamline. I can pack a suitcase in four minutes flat. I’ve timed it. Never, ever check a bag. I don’t care how metrosexual or glamorous you are. You can get what you need in a carry on bag and still look just fine.

3. Back it up. Never leave your office without backing up your computer. I’m convinced equipment manufacturers set up their devices to explode or go haywire specifically while I’m away. So back it up and carry on. Easy.

4. Stay alert. My top three tips to avoid jetlag: 1) Change your watch the morning of your trip to get on the new time zone; 2) if possible, take a swim right after you check in; or 3) drink a 5-hour energy or tequila shot immediately upon landing. This last one is most fun.

5. Look around. Even on the most frantic of trips, try to take 60 minutes to check out the city. Suck it up and get up early if you have to. This took me way too long to learn, and I missed out on some amazing places.

6. Smile. Be nice to everyone. Politeness wins. Trust me–the whole “get more bees with honey” thing is even truer when traveling. Plus, it’s a better way to live.

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Travel safe, be happy, and make sure to remove your belt, shoes, and laptops!

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